The prospect of saving money may be exciting, but consider the amount of space/budget you have at your business before you make too many bulk purchases. If you don’t have plenty of storage space and manpower, bulk buying should pose a problem. However, if you need to expand your space, HDS Express is also providing warehousing fulfillment service for you.
Warehouse Fulfilment
The prospect of saving money may be exciting, but consider the amount of space/budget you have at your business before you make too many bulk purchases. If you don’t have plenty of storage space and manpower, bulk buying should pose a problem. However, if you need to expand your space, HDS Express is also providing warehousing fulfillment service for you.
Warehouse Fulfilment
Buying in bulk could mean you have to pay upfront fees to access the items at a lower or wholesale price.
Buying in bulk could mean longer delivery time, usually take 2-4 weeks by sea freight.
Either way, All Top Startups admits that upfront costs are “not pretty.” But they shouldn't deter you from your goal because you should eventually achieve an attractive economy of scale.